Friday, April 10, 2009

Proposal Letter Final

Proposal Letter
PR Gurus
Kevin, Matt and Matt

The PR Gurus
Kevin Mouritsen, Matt Ferris, Matt Frandsen

Executive Summary

The PR Gurus, in connection with the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT), are proposing to the Utah Transit Authority (UTA) to create a partnership of transportation units to increase public transportation ridership in Utah.

UDOT and UTA have always maintained similar goals, and this proposal would not stray from that reality. UDOT has hired the PR Gurus to carry out a campaign, including a PSA (filmed with Morgan Freeman), radio ads, and newsletters. This campaign (the “Ride. Don’t Drive” campaign) aims to increase awareness of the amount of pollution and wasted manpower and money that occurs when Americans commute to work in their own vehicles.

We are proposing a $50,000 budget to pay for the production of the PSA, the film crew, and printing costs. Daryl Mayhew, project manager of the LitterHurts campaign to reduce the amount of litter on the highway, will manage this new campaign.

In conclusion, we reaffirm our mission to help increase awareness of the growing problem of the daily commute and the benefits of using public transportation. Thank you for your time.

Utah Department of Transportation
“Ride. Don’t Drive” Campaign

Sponsor Appeal

Based on previous years, we have found that the UTA has donated significant amounts of money to worthy causes, with the intent of improving the transportation system while creating a positive image for the UTA. For example, by partnering with the Utah Department of Transportation (UDOT), the UTA demonstrated a commitment to helping American families achieve financial stability. We here at the PR Gurus look forward to the opportunity of helping create awareness of services available to American families, the foundation of our nation.


Right now, millions of dollars are being wasted, both in man-hours and gallons of gasoline, as the United States work force commutes to and from work each day. This is not only an inconvenience to our citizens, as well as a public health issue, but also a significant drain on our fragile economy. As is stated the UTA mission statement, the UTA will: “Serve the United States by ensuring a fast, safe, efficient, accessible and convenient transportation system that meets our vital national interests and enhances the quality of life of the American people, today and into the future. “ We firmly believe that funding our campaign will assist you in accomplishing your goals.

A major concern with the current transportation system is that 88.1 percent of Americans regularly commute to work in their own vehicles. We believe that solving this problem should be a top priority for the UTA.

One of our main goals with this campaign is to raise awareness of the problems arising from current private transportation trends. Our ultimate solution is to increase the use of public transportation, which will result in a decrease of wasted dollars and the betterment of the environment.

Following are some quotes that we have gathered from focus groups:

“I thoroughly enjoy the public transportation. I can’t imagine commuting without it. It’s become a part of my everyday life.” –Matthew Frandsen.

“Sure, I like riding the bus. It allows me to get to and from work without stressing out over other drivers and suffocating traffic.” –Kevin Mouritsen

“I used to commute to work in my own car until one day it died on me. I took the bus hesitantly at first, ‘cause I thought it would be slower. How wrong I was. I will never commute to work in my own car ever again.” –Matt Ferris


With the ever increasing problem of people spending more time in their own cars driving to and from work, we are implementing the “Ride. Don’t Drive.” campaign. We will produce brochures, newsletters, and a PSA to raise awareness regarding this issue. Our PSA will feature the well-known actor Morgan Freeman. Freeman will give some daunting facts about the difference between the bus system and driving personal cars, and will also be shown as a passenger on a city bus. We will produce all of these things with the hope that the public will realize the problems in private transportation, and start to use the public transportation system more.


James McMinimee, director of project development, will head the project. He had served as Region 2 director from 1995 until this appointment. Region 2 was awarded the Governor’s Quality Service Award for excellence in customer service while under his leadership. The project will also be supervised by John Njord, executive director of UDOT, who launched the Litter Hurts campaign.


To accomplish this daunting task, we will require $50,000 to cover all expenses. We feel that this amount of money is both sufficient and reasonable.

Total: $50,000

Morgan Freeman: $20,000

Film crew: $10,000

Printing and distributing costs: $8,000

Radio ad production: $5,000

PSA Production: $7,000


The PR Gurus, a world-renowned public relations firm, is requesting that the Utah Transit Authority (UTA) donate $50,000 for production of a PSA directed towards increasing the use of public transportation and enhancing the image of the UTA.

In conclusion, we reaffirm our mission to help increase awareness of the growing problem of the daily commute and the benefits of using public transportation. Thank you for your time.

The PR Gurus

1 comment:

  1. ...In letters, do you think that it is necessary for the headers of Conclusion and Summary and what not.

    I don't know, that is just an Idea...
